Management Team

* Photos shown with optional accessories
Shraga Brosilovski, President
With more than 50 years of vast experience in the professional Audio-Video market, Shraga brings his knowledge and expertise to direct implementation in Tecoms’ products.
Oversees corporate administration and responsible for the production and assembly lines.
Aviv Brosilovski, CEO
Aviv is responsible for the management and operations of the company, overseas international marketing activities and quality assurance process.
Aviv holds a Computer-Electronics engineer, Bachelor degree in Law and Advocate diploma.
Efrat Elitzur, Account Executive
Efrat is responsible for Tecom accounts in the USA and Canada as well as working with international representatives.
Efrat holds a BS in Communications & Management and MA in Strategic Studies. She previously worked as a Spokesperson and PR Strategy Consultant for over 8 years.
Dana Zilber-Brosilovski, VP of Marketing
Responsible for marketing and overseas the company’s operation in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Dana holds a Bachelor degree in Law and Masters Degree in Business Management (MBA) from the University of Manchester, UK
Ronen Or, CPA
Ronen is responsible for Tecoms’ financial operation. Overseas the accounting and purchasing departments.
Ronen holds a CPA and Advocate diplomas.
Ricki Gurfinkel, Accounting
Responsible for accounting and work with local and international customers and suppliers.